Goon V1.5 Two Post Clamp Style RDA by 528 Customs presents an upgraded version of the original Goon RDA, featuring stainless steel clamp style posts, a 7mm deep juice well, and dual adjustable airslots that can be adjusted for dual coil and single coil use. The build deck itself features a 20mm inside diameter, a 7mm deep juice well and PEEK insulators, making it a roomy and capable deck purpose built for builders. Airflow enters the Goon V1.5 RDA via dual adjustable airslots measuring at 12mm by 3mm each and allows for a single side airflow option. This range, coupled with a hybrid compatible copper 510 connection, makes the Goon an excellent all around platform, from flavor enthusiasts all the way to cloud chasers. The Goon V1.5 RDA includes a bottom feed pin that can convert the RDA into a bottom feeding atomizer, making this quite versatile. With one of the most ambitious yet functional build decks on the market, the 528 Customs Goon V1.5 RDA makes for an excellent, well rounded rebuildable dripping atomizer.
•Larger build space vertically and horizontally than the Goon V1
•Cyclops airflow
•Domed interior topcap for better flavor
•Wide Bore drip tip
•Standard 510 connection
•Gold plated brass 510 pin
•Stainless steel bridge post
•Stainless steel clamps
•Stainless clamp screws
•Hybrid safe
•Peek insulators
•Positive and Negative bridges are easily replaceable
•PVD Coated Stainless Steel
•Package includes one set of allen key screws, allen key tool, one set of hybrid phillips/flathead screws, stainless steel squonk pin and extra o-rings
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